Guild presents plaques to AL-KO and Truma
As a token of appreciation for the overwhelming generosity afforded to the Guild by AL-KO and Truma during the Guild’s press tour of Germany in June, each company was presented with a commemorative crystal glass plaque at the October NEC show.
The plaques were presented twice, firstly on stand at the show by outgoing Guild chairman, Nigel Rosser, and secondly by new chairman Barry Norris, in front of the industry at the Guild’s Stonebridge dinner.
A problem arose with the presentation of AL-KO’s plaque at the dinner when it was discovered that Harald Kober had accidentally taken it with him to South Africa. Lyn Wyatt from Stonebridge quickly came up with a replacement in the form of an ‘imperial blue cut glass tobacco ash container’. A bemused Peter Eustace can be seen below receiving it from the Guild’s new chairman, Barry Norris.