Guild dinner enjoys more space

There’s nowhere quite like Stonebridge Golf Club in Meriden for hosting the Guild dinner. Just ten minutes from the NEC, ample parking, glorious food, great service and well, let’s be honest, barely enough space. The upshot of this has been long waiting lists for those wishing to attend, especially in October when we have our award presentations.
Now, as part of a major refurbishment, the good people at Stonebridge have moved the wall between the kitchen and dining area about 12 feet into what was the kitchen storage area. To compensate this has been recreated elsewhere.
The bottom line is a much larger and more cohesive dining area, which is much better suited to our needs. The paint was still drying as we sat down to eat on the Wednesday evening of the NEC show but all agreed it was a great improvement.
As a result of the change we will upgrade the October dinner to a major event whilst giving the February dinner a rest for the time being. It’s a decision that found favour with the majority of guests attending the February dinner.
The chef excelled himself with a choice of no less than four starters and four main courses alongside the usual selection of sweets. Numbers were limited to just 80 guests so the new kitchen could be brought up to speed in a sensible way. As you can see from the photos everyone had a great time.
The raffle raised the magnificent sum of £1116 for the children’s cancer charity Kidscan. Thanks to Dave Hurrell for raffling the hamper he won and to Carol Davies for paying more than £200 for it.