Awards for Journalism 2023

The Guild’s 2023 awards for journalism were announced and presented at our 41st anniversary dinner at a brand new venue, the West Midlands Golf Club in Solihull. The award was jointly sponsored by the Guild and Howden Insurance. The winners each receive a cut glass trophy and £1,000 in cash.
The winner of the Douglas King award for written journalism was Karla Baker for her relaxing article on Licence to Chill in the Dordogne Region of France. The runner up was John Sootheran with his Bog Standard Article.
The winner of the John Wickersham award for video journalism went to Steve Radford with his engaging family based video ‘Back on the Road Again…’. The runner up was Cameron Burns with a very informative video King Charles and Princess Anne’s Childhood Toy Caravan Tour
Our picture above shows (left to right) Stuart Craig (Howden Insurance), Steve Radford and Karla Baker.