Become a Member
Membership of the Guild is open to those individuals who have been working in a journalistic capacity in the areas of caravanning, motorhomes or holiday/park homes with work published for at least a year. You may be a writer, journalist, editor or broadcaster and employed in a staff or freelance capacity. Consideration may be given to bloggers/vloggers who have been creating online content for at least 12 months and can demonstrate good quality work with a wide audience reach.
The Guild has two classes of membership – Full and Associate. In each case, membership is by invitation from the Executive Committee following a recommendation from an existing member. (Our Membership Officer may be able to help if you don’t know an existing member.)
Associate membership may be granted to those who do not qualify as full members but who nevertheless have a valuable contribution to make to the Guild.
Members are required to abide by the Guild’s Code of Conduct and Constitution.
Full Membership
- Full membership costs just £40 per year. There is also a one-off joining fee equal to a year’s membership.
Associate Membership
- Associate membership costs just £30 per year. There is also a one-off joining fee equal to a year’s membership.
If you think you may be interested in becoming a member please contact our Membership Officer who will be pleased to provide further details.