Data visibility
Here we explain how you can control who sees your personal data
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that came into force on 25th May give you much more say about the data we hold on you and what we do with it.
Our Membership Officer holds the master file and you can ask to see what’s in it, about you, at any time. Data is also held on our website, with each member having a dedicated area to themselves. You have access to that area and can control what data is there and how much of it is visible to others.
There are three levels of visibility. The first level allows everyone to see the selected data. This include members of the public who visit the site. The second level removes the data from public view but leaves it visible to other members and to Friend Sponsors, indeed to all those who have login access to the website.
The third level, introduced from 25th May, restricts everyone from seeing the data. All that is visible is your name, to confirm that you are a Guild member. Hiding your data in this way means you are much less likely to be contacted by other members or by Friend Sponsors, who may wish to send you information. You should therefore only use it if you really don’t want to hear from colleagues in the industry.
To invoke this top level of invisibility, log into your profile page and scroll down until you see the ‘Hide all’ checkbox (see below).
Rather than take this drastic step it is more likely that members will simply want to withhold phone numbers and email addresses from public view. This is simply done by checking the tick box next to each relevant item. When finished don’t forget to save you selections or nothing will change.
Members wanting assistance with their website entries should contact the Secretary: